Friday, May 20, 2011

The 1st Day

IM DONE thats it NO MORE Alcohol, This is the 1st day of the rest of my life Booze free. Alcohol is one thing that used to help me socially i could interact with other people without being too self-aware and just have fun. Yes the Booze has lead me to some tail and i thank him for that, but now it starts to cost my OWN life and family. I am hapily married with a child coming and all i do is drink. Its not like in the old days i just went out with friends to get wasted, now i prefer to do it alone while watching TV. It hurts not only my Health but my Wife too i can only imagine how frustrating it must feel for her when she comes home from work and sees me drunk so often. So with her advice i have decided to start a blog to make the rest of you people aware that alcohol isnt the thing you should do. I could have probably done so much without a single sip of booze but instead i decided to live a mediocre life because of it. So today as i said is the 1st day of my life which will be full of happiness and hopefully i will also get a promotion or two in my job. So here i will update about my struggles without my bro ( alcohol) my happy days which i couldnt enjoy because of him. Hoppefully you guys will enjoy my blog i have a couple tricks and tips under my sleeve which will hopefully turn all of you in awe.

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